Meet Your Pregnancy and Postpartum Expert Guide
I’m a Doctor of physical therapy, specializing in the pelvic floor, specifically pregnancy and postpartum. As my friends have been getting married and starting to have to kids, I have been their go-to resource for info about their bodies and what they were experiencing as they were going through their pregnancies. I kept hearing the same story from both my friends and patients that there wasn’t one place to get the information they were learning from me, and that they didn’t really know what to expect from pregnancy or postpartum regarding their bodies. The reoccurring theme was “excited but terrified” because they didn’t know what to do to prepare properly. As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I felt compelled to create something that could help more women than just my friends and patients. I wrote this program for pregnant women who are looking for knowledge about maintaining a healthy body throughout pregnancy and guidance for how to train and prepare for taking labor and delivery into their own hands. It doesn’t matter if this is your first pregnancy, second, or however many, this program will help prepare your body and mind to better handle your pregnancy, labor and delivery!
I am devoted to helping you prepare your body through pregnancy to feel confident about your labor and delivery experience!!
Hi, I’m Karlie!
My Qualifications
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Pelvic Floor Trained Specialist
Pregnancy and Postpartum Yoga Teacher Certified
Trained in the Care of the Pregnant Patient